4th Wall Art:
Paintings and Photography by
Marc Fleming
The fourth wall - an invisible and imaginary barrier that separates the audience from the stage. Suspend disbelief and, in return, a world is given to you to dive in and explore.
I’ve always loved that concept, which led me to a college, one-credit theater appreciation class that changed the coarse of my career from meteorology to performing arts management.
I’m Marc, a New Jersey native who has made Pittsburgh home since 2004. Now as the Chief Marketing Officer at the Pittsburgh Cultural Trust, I am privileged to be surrounded by creativity and work with an extraordinarily talented team to promote events, festivals, and exhibitions. And through my own artistic endeavors, I seek to capture Pittsburgh and my travels both on canvas and through the lens.
I extend an invitation for you to take a seat and discover scenes from around the corner and around the world on this site.
And I value your feedback! Please feel free to break that fourth wall and connect by email, join the e-list, and follow me on socials.
Curtain up!